School Board

The Board of a public school works with the school to achieve the best outcomes for students. Their functions are covered by legislation. The elected members include parents and staff. Members of the community may be invited to join. The Principal of the school is a member. School Boards make an important contribution towards supporting public education. 


Our School Board Chair is Peter Abetz.

Our Vision

A dynamic, inclusive learning community striving for excellence.

Our Mission

Our mission statements articulate a basic understanding of Ashburton Drive Primary School’s Vision in operation. They describe the characteristics and qualities of teaching and learning, the physical environment and social interactions. They provide a framework for decision making as we go about our daily work. Our mission statements describe our school in action.

We are committed to:

  • Providing a safe and inclusive environment that actively involves the wider community to support student and staff well-being.
  • Fostering a harmonious school community that invests in the students’ future growth.
  • Creating challenging, supportive and differentiated learning opportunities which motivate and empower students to meet high expectations.
  • Developing independent, self-directed learners who aspire to personal excellence.
  • Collaborating regularly and are committed and mutually accountable to implementing agreed whole-school practices.



Roles and responsibilities of School Board are to:

√ establish and review the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions

√ plan financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions

√ evaluate the schools performance in achieving those objectives, priorities and directions

√ formulate codes of conduct for students at the school

√ take part in the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school principal or any other member of the teaching staff if prior approval is given by the Regional Executive Director

√ comply with the terms of reference and Department of Education regulations

√ liaise with other other committees within the school

√ hold at least two meetings per year with an annual public meeting


√ a charge or contribution determined by the principal for the provision of materials, services and facilities

√ the costs determined by the principal to be paid for participation in an extra cost optional component of the school’s educational program

√ the items determined by the principal to be supplied by a student for the student’s personal use in the school’s educational program

√ an agreement or arrangement for advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school


√ in consultation with students, their parents and staff of the school, a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school

Provide advice to the principal

√ on general policy and time allocation for any religious education


√ the school community



School Board Profiles

Ashburton Drive Primary School Board is comprised of seven (7) to fifteen (15) members. Our Board currently is comprised of the Principal, Chairperson, Manager Corporate Services, two (2) teachers and three (3) parents and two (2) members of the community (including the Chair).

Rev Peter Abetz – Community Member  B.Agric.Sci.(Hons); B.D.

Peter has been involved in education for most of his adult life: He has seen his own five children go through school and complete university degrees; served on a teacher selection panel for 15 years at a non-state school; as a State Member of Parliament he served on the state parliament’s Education & Health Standing Committee for 4 years and continues to take a keen interest in education, as it is such a vital part of a young person’s development. Peter believes his science background, with the focus on objective analysis of data, along with his 25 years of pastoral experience gives many insights which allows him to make a positive contribution to the deliberations of the School Council.


Heather Fallo – School Representative 

It is a great privilege to serve as the Principal of Ashburton Drive Primary School. I have worked in education for the past 25 years in a variety of contexts as a teacher and school administrator and I appreciate the wonderful community that our school represents. Our school Board members bring their experiences and expertise together to represent the school community on setting the strategic direction of our school. They are committed to ensuring we live up to our motto, “Dream Believe Achieve”. I value their hard work and input as we work together to realise our vision and direction, and ensure the improvement of our great school. I look forward to working with staff, students and the community into the future to achieve the best possible outcomes for the students of Ashburton Drive Primary School.


Michelle Harris – School Representative 


Sean Lavery – School Representative 


Shane Hames – Community Representative

Shane has previously been a board member of a community child care and has been a board member at ADPS for a number of years with one child recently graduating and another part way through. Professionally Shane is the Supply Chain Manager for WA for BOC Ltd a global medical, hospitality and industrial gas company. Shane enjoys being a part of the school board, and is happy to assist in any way he can.


Katie Peos – Parent Representative

Katie is an active parent and P and C member with 2 children attending Ashburton Drive Primary. Currently volunteering as the Uniform Shop coordinator and often volunteers for many events through out the year. Professionally, Katie has a background in health & fitness Industry, along with broad administration experience, currently working part-time for a local Hydraulics company and also assisting in the behind the scenes running of her husband’s renovations business. Katie is a caring, dedicated and valued community member of Ashburton Drive Primary School.’


Natasha Bowden– Community Representative

Natasha has been a member of the school board for three years. Two of her children have attended Ashburton Drive Primary School, one recently graduated and the other still in attendance. Professionally, Natasha is the Education and Promotion Manager at the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL) and in her work she teaches school groups and community members about human impacts on the environment. Through her position at SERCUL, Natasha has contributed many hours to teaching ADPS students about Bush Tucker and the impacts of nutrients and algae on frogs, macroinvertebrates and the general health of wetlands and rivers. She has also donated native plants and helped create a Bush Tucker Garden and Frog Pond at the school. Natasha enjoys being a part of the school community via the school board, her work at SERCUL and in any other way she can assist.


Paul Mansveld – Parent Representative

Paul graduated from The University of Western Australia in 1997 with an Honours Degree in Microbiology and Biochemistry and has been working as a Medical Scientist in Pathology for over 20 years. Paul has four children currently studying at Ashburton Drive Primary School. Paul has a keen interest in education, especially Science and Music, and will work hard to help the school become the best it can be.

As a parent representative on the School Council, Paul provides a valuable contribution to public education and input into achieving the best outcomes for students at Ashburton Drive Primary School.


Shelley Tailor – Parent Representative 

Shelly has 2 children at ADPS and has vast experience of over 20 years in childcare. She has a passion for early education. Shelly enjoys the outdoors and going on adventures. Shelly has joined the school board to help ADPS thrive. Shelly enjoys organising events and looks forward to being involved with the school board for many years to come.


Stacey Hita – Parent Representative