
Letters and Sounds Program

The Letters and Sounds program is a six-phase program. It is a detailed and systematic program for teaching the skills of blending for reading and segmenting for spelling. Letters and Sounds enables children to see the relationship between reading and spelling from an early stage, such that teaching of one reinforces understanding of the other. Decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) are treated as reversible processes. It progresses through all sounds, working from the simple to the more complex. By following the progression, children build on their growing phonic knowledge. Kindergarten to year 3 students quickly learn to read and spell, having fun along the way.


The Heggerty Program is a research-based phonemic awareness program designed to help students develop essential early literacy skills. It focuses on listening, identifying, and manipulating sounds in words, which builds a strong foundation for reading and spelling. We use the Heggerty Program in Kindergarten to Year 2 to support students in developing these important skills.

Words their way

Words Their Way is a teacher-directed, student-centred approach to vocabulary growth and spelling development where students from Year 3-6 engage in a variety of sound, pattern and meaning activities, sorting pictures and words. Words Their Way caters for differentiated learning in the classroom, rather than a one-size-fits-all solution. Students can construct their own knowledge of spelling through engaging sound, pattern and meaning activities so they can gain a better understanding of the principles of spelling.

Literacy Pro

Literacy Pro is a powerful online reading program designed to enhance students’ literacy skills by providing personalised reading experiences. Aimed at our students in Years 4-6, Literacy Pro helps track reading progress, assess comprehension, and recommend books tailored to individual reading levels. Through quizzes, reports, and goal-setting features, it encourages students to develop a love for reading while improving their vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Teachers use Literacy Pro to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and support students in becoming confident, independent readers.

Talk for Writing

At Ashburton Drive Primary School, all students participate in the Talk for Writing program for writing instruction. This method empowers children to write and read independently for various purposes and audiences. A key aspect of this approach to teaching Writing, is having children absorb the necessary language structures through “talking the text” and engaging in detailed reading. The process encourages a gradual shift from dependence to independence, with our teachers using collaborative and guided instruction to foster creativity and strong writing skills. Talk for Writing allows children to practise key language orally for a specific topic before reading and analysing it. They engage in enjoyable activities to rehearse the language pattern, followed by shared writing sessions that demonstrate how to shape their writing. This technique is effective because it lets children first imitate the language orally, then move to reading, analysing, and creating their own versions.

The teaching process unfolds in three stages:

1. Imitation – students learn the text and required language,

2. Innovation – students modify the model text with their own ideas, and

3. Invention – students craft their own text using the language and skills they’ve learned.