
Ashburton Drive Primary School is committed to develop knowledge, understandings and skills to ensure that, individually and collaboratively students produce design solutions using a range of technologies. Ashburton has created a “Maker Space” within the school Library upgrade so teachers and students can develop student skills in solving problems using design technology resources and projects. Students will be able to select, manipulate equipment and tools safely and understand roles and responsibilities of people in design technology.

Ashburton has obtained 3D printers to present design models and embrace up-to-date technology. We are connected to the Southern River College STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) cell and cater to a progressive learning approach in technologies.

Ashburton Primary encourage Digital Citizenship for our students so they uphold the norms of appropriate behaviour with regard to digital technologies. This entails appropriate online etiquette and ethics as well as knowledge of cyber safety issues of online predators and the permanence of data.

Teachers follow the Dept. of Educations curriculum and Schedule A for Digital technologies. This covers knowledge and understandings of Digital systems and the representation of data. Technologies in society and technology contexts.  Process and production skills are collecting, managing and analysing data. Digital implementation and creating solutions as every teaching block has a bank of 30 laptops, 10 or more Ipads, a dedicated computer lab as well as robotic devices and equipment to assist students embrace technology.